Saturday, 29 October 2016

Be Back in December

Just a heads up, going MIA until I finish finals in December. I'm sure you all understand. I will be more active when finals are over. I will continue to reply to emails but I am very sorry if I don't get back to you for a while.

Friday, 7 October 2016

Lecturers to Avoid

Here I will be listing lecturers that you should do your best to avoid. If you have your own list of lecturers to avoid, please do share and I will add them to this list.
  • Jonathan Buss (CS 245)
    • Very intelligent man but can't teach at all
    • Forgot to attend one of his lectures so his students ended up sitting in the room for a while until someone decided to call his office
  • Edward Chan (CS 348)
    • Narrow minded
    • If your solutions don't match his exactly, you lose 5 marks for each difference
    • His database design is the only correct design... (WTF?)