Wednesday 7 September 2016

Fall 2016....

YAY...! Fall 2016 lectures start tomorrow... I just got back to Waterloo yesterday and moved into my room. I don't know about you guys, but I am not looking too forward to the start of the semester. I just had too much fun relaxing and working during this past summer.

Well I hope you are all ready for another semester of studying to those returning for a study term. To the first years, I hope you enjoyed orientation and are ready for your first lectures of many during your next four or five years here in Waterloo. Also, hope you don't end up partying too hard during first year. And, lastly, those who are starting their work term, enjoy your time off... I wish I was you.

Also, I hope those with a lease with Icon are doing fine and have some place to stay for the time being. To the first years, sure sucks to be you guys to be hit with something like this. To everyone else, it sucks but you should have seen it coming with 1 Columbia's and Sage's shenanigans over the past two years. This is the third year in a row that shit like this has happened. I agree that shit like this shouldn't be happening but will it stop? Probably not any time soon but the area is already over saturated with student housing, so, I'm not too sure how sustainable it would be to put up more student housing complexes. Well only time will tell.

Lastly, woot! Apple press event is today, I wonder if the iPhone 7 really will be missing a good old reliable friend. And will Apple be able to make a comeback in the smartphone market with the iPhone 7? Well, time to wait and see I suppose.


  1. Dude, do you think it's worth going to Waterloo if you're just an average student just wanting to learn CS? I am by no means obsessed with CS or see it as my passion, but I do want to do it for a living. I'm not one to do a side projects as a hobby, but I don't mind coding for coursework. I mainly want to go to Waterloo because of the career opportunities. Someone told me I'm better off to U of T cause Waterloo CS students are the exact opposite of what I've described myself.

